Mosquito Mary's of Essex County MA

95 Washington Street

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Contact your local Mosquito Mary's (978) 722-4479

Mosquito Mary’s Community Give Back Program

At Mosquito Mary’s, we believe in giving back to the communities where we live and work. Our Community Give Back Program supports charitable non-profit organizations throughout the area, focusing on fundraising activities that benefit local schools, athletic programs, community projects, and service clubs. We are committed to actively supporting organizations that address local needs and enrich our communities.

Ways We Give

We strive to support as many fundraising activities as possible throughout the year:

Donations are considered on three (3) levels

  1. Product Contributions: Requests for Mosquito Treatment Booklets.
  2. Corporate Sponsorship: Sponsoring an event and/or team requests.

How to Request Donations

Requests for Donation of Product must be received at least four (4) weeks in advance.

All requests must be in writing (email) and sent to:

All requests must include the following:

  • Full Name of the Non-Profit Organization
  • Pertinent Information on the Charity
  • Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, and Email Address
  • Proof of 501(c)(3) Status
  • Description of the Event

Our Commitment

We’re committed to making a positive impact in our communities. By supporting local initiatives, we help to foster a sense of community and contribute to the well-being of our neighbors.


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